Saturday, February 14, 2009

EXERCISE on Passive Voice

Practice 2: Passive Voice

Supply the correct PASSIVE VOICE forms of the verbs in parentheses to complete the following sentences (Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini dengan bentuk PASIF yang sesuai dari kata kerja yang dikurung):

  1. The young patient (visit) by his relatives and friends every day.
  2. He (take) to the hospital about two weeks ago.
  3. The poor young man (injure) badly then.
  4. His motor cycle (hit) by a car when he was going home from school.
  5. The young man (throw) off his motor-cycle then.
  6. The accident (see) by quite a few people.
  7. The boy (help) immediately by some of the people.
  8. An ambulance (send for) without delay.
  9. He (put) into the ambulance as soon as it arrived.
  10. The ambulance (drive) quickly but carefully to the hospital.
  11. The examination will (hold) next week.
  12. The students are going (give) several tests by their teachers.
  13. The students' mastery of each subject (measure) by the tests.
  14. Each test (compose) of a certain number of items.
  15. The tests have (prepare) carefully by the teachers.
  16. The students' attention (concentrate) on the examination now.
  17. Careful preparations (make) by all of the students at the moment.
  18. Their time (spend) on nothing else but their study.
  19. Good results (expect) by everybody.
  20. Examinations always (consider) very important by students.

Practice 3: Passive Voice

Express the following ACTIVE VOICE sentences in their corresponding PASSIVE
VOICE forms (Ungkapkanlah kalimat-kalimat AKTIF di bawah ini dalam bentuk PASIF yang sesuai):

  1. The teacher teaches us English.
  2. We speak English during the English classes.
  3. We use Indonesian in other classes.
  4. We need English for international communication.
  5. People write many scientific books in English.
  6. We will improve our knowledge through reading.
  7. One will obtain a lot of useful information from books.
  8. I have learned English for a long time.
  9. Some people here have mastered this foreign language fairly well.
  10. But I have made very slow progress in learning it.
  11. People learn this program for fun.
  12. We met with no difficulty in learning our national language.
  13. We could master the language within a short time.
  14. We can express our ideas very easily in Indonesian.
  15. Most of us construct Indonesian sentences with no difficulty.
  16. We make few mistakes in using Indonesian.
  17. But I often make mistakes in using English.
  18. I often forget the rules of English.
  19. The rules of English often confuse me.
  20. We are practising the passive voice rules at the moment.

Practice 4: Passive Voice

Express the following ideas in GOOD ENGLISH using the PASSIVE VOICE form (Ungkapkaniah pokok-pokok pikiran berikut dalam BAHASA INGGRIS yang BAIK dengan menggunakan bentuk PASIF):

  1. Sumpah itu dibuat oleh para pemuda-pemudi Indonesia di tahun 1928.
  2. Kita akan selalu dipersatukan oleh satu tanah air, yakni Indonesia.
  3. Kita akan selalu dipersatukan sebagai satu bangsa, yakni bangsa Indonesia.
  4. Kita juga akan selalu dipersatukan oleh satu bahasa nasional, yakni bahasa Indonesia.
  5. Kita masih dijajah oleh orang-orang Belanda kala itu.
  6. Banyak di antara para pemimpin muda tersebut dipenjarakan.
  7. Kepulauan kita masih disebut Hindia Belanda waktu itu.
  8. Orang-orang Belanda tersebut kemudian diserang oleh bangsa Jepang.
  9. Mereka dikalahkan oleh para penyerbu tersebut.
  10. Para penguasa Belanda tersebut diusir dari kepulauan ini.
  11. Wilayah ini diduduki oleh bala-tentara Jepang.
  12. Kita diperintah oleh bangsa Jepang selama tiga setengah tahun.
  13. Perang Dunia Kedua dimenangkan oleh tentara sekutu di tahun 1945.
  14. Bala-tentara Jepang dikalahkan.
  15. Kita terbebas dari kekuasaan asing saat itu.
  16. Kesempatan emas tersebut dimanfaatkan oleh para pemimpin kita.
  17. Kemerdekaan Indonesia diproklamasikan pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945.
  18. Cita-cita para pemuda tahun 1928 terwujud saat itu.
  19. Kebahagiaan sebagai bangsa yang merdeka dan berdaulat telah dinikmati sejak saat itu.
  20. Kebahagiaan tersebut telah diperoleh lewat banyak pengorbanan dan penderitaan para pahlawan-bangsa kita.

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