Tuesday, October 6, 2009


A. Analyze and indetify the components that modify NOUN HEAD, then translate into Indonesian!

Some beautiful ladies beberapa gadis cantik. = (article+adjective+Noun Head) or (1+2+Noun)

Tourists from Japan Turis-turis dari Jepang. = (Noun+prep phrase) or (Noun + 6)

1. Many challenging problems
2. A letter from my father
3. The expected result
4. Things made in Japan
5. A written test
6. Freedom to speak
7. A chemical process
8. A fried chicken
9. The world food resources
10. The other living creatures on the earth


11. Wild plants growing in the forest
12. Soft skin powder
13. The scientific solutions to the problems.
14. Some problems discussed before
15. A woman to take care of the baby
16. People working in the factory
17. The smell of the drinks
18. Nothing to eat
19. The will to develop
20. A psychological approach to the problem
21. Fertile land forming the main food supplier
22. His new ideas stated in the conference
23. The chapters to be taught
24. The government's attempts to improve the socio-economic condition of the people
25. More serious attention to the prevention of this irresponsible practice
26. Some crucial and complicated world problems existing in the 20th century.
27. The books which we bought last night
28. Some differences that we know
29. Experts who can assist us in the development of modern technology.
30. The lady whom we met last night
31. The man whose wife is working here
32. The process how cells multiply themselves
33. The place where I was born
34. The reason why the government always changes its policy

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Noun Phrase

Noun Phrase adalah kelompok kata yang unsur utamanya Noun (kata benda) dengan kata lainnya sebagai penjelasnya. Kata benda utama (yang dijelaskan) disebut Noun Head, sedangkan penjelasnya dinakamakan Modifiers. Modifiers yang berada sebelum Noun Head dinamakan Pre-Modifiers, sedang yang dibelakang Noun Head disebut Post-Modifiers.
Pre-Modifiers + NOUN HEAD + Post Modifiers

Noun merupakan jenis kata yang frekuensi pemakaiannya terbanyak. Setiap kalimat bisa dipastikan memiliki satu Noun atau lebih. Dalam suatu kalimat Noun bisa hadir sendiri atau dalam frase/ kelompok, sebagai subject atau object atau yang lainnya.
Girls need attention. (Noun sebagai subject)
Many beautiful girls in this class need attention. (Noun-Phrase sebagai subject)

Dalam bahasa Indonesia yang menjelaskan kata benda selalu berada dibelakang kata benda dan umumnya didahuli dengan kata yang. Sebagai contoh 'anak nakal' sama dengan 'anak yang nakal'. Sedang dalam bahasa Inggris yang menerangkan kata benda bisa berada didepannya dibelakangnya atau pada kedua posisi, depan dan belakang.

Berikut daftar jenis kata yang bisa menerangkan Noun serta nomor urut-nya.
Pre-modifiers EXAMPLES
1 Determiners a, an, the, one, two, three, a few, some, several, all, this, that, my, your. etc.
2 Adjective (Phrase) beautiful, big, old, rich, expensive, etc.
3 V-ing challenging, sleeping, walking, shaking,
4 V-3 hidden, written, expected, baked, boiled
5 Noun rice, book, birthday, English,

No. Post-Modifiers EXAMPLES
6 Prepositional Phrase (prep+Noun) at, in, on, of, by,
7 V-ing Phrase (Ving + Object/Adverb)
8 V-3 Phrase (V-3 + Object/ Adverb)
9 to infinitive (Phrase) to go, to eat, to study, etc.
10 Adjective Clause who, whom, that, which, whose + ...........

Noun Phrase modifiers Meaning
1. a boy (1+NH) seorang anak
2. a naughty boy (1+2+NH) anak nakal
3. a sleeping child (1+3+NH) anak yang sedang tidur
4. singing birds (3+NH) burung-burung yang berkicau
5. a wtitten test (1+4+NH) test tertulis
6. the imported products (1+4+NH) produk-produk yang diimpor
7. a birthday cake (1+5+NH) roti ulang tahun
8. The tree behind the house (1+NH+6) Pohon yang berada dibelakang rumah
9. The people living in poverty (1+NH+7) Orang-orang yang hidup dalam kemiskinan
10. The papers presented at the meeting (1+NH+8) Makalah yang dipresentasikan dalam pertemuan itu

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Friday, June 19, 2009

PRACTICE 2 A: Compound Sentences

PRACTICE 2 A: Compound Sentences

Decide which of the following are compound sentences and which are simple sentences. Click CS or SS in the space at the left, and add commas to the compound sentences.

  1. Some states allow you to get married at age fourteen but most states require you to be sixteen.
  2. Couples may get married in a church or in a government office.
  3. A religious official or a government official may perform the marriage ceremony.
  4. The bride's family pays for the wedding but the groom's family pays for the rehearsal dinner.
  5. The groom enters the church, and waits for his bride at the front.
  6. The friends of the groom write "Just Married" on the young couple's car and the old shoes and tin cans to the rear bumper.
  7. The bride usually wears a white dress and carries a bouquet of flowers in her hands.
  8. The bachelor party lasted until 3:00 a.m, so the groom was late to his own wedding.

PRACTICE 2 B: Compound Sentences

Combine each of the following pairs of sentences to make a compound sentence. Use all three ways you have just learned, and punctuate carefully. a). use a conjunction b). use a semicolon c). use sentence connector.

  1. Robots can do boring, repetitive work. They can do unsafe jobs.
  2. Robots can make minor decisions. They cannot really think.
  3. Robots don't get tired, sick, or hungry.They can work twenty-four hours a day.
  4. Human factory workers must learn new skills. They will be out of work because of robots.


1. a.
2. a.
3. a.
4. a.
b. (not possible)

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