Thursday, March 19, 2009


A. Analyze and indetify the components that modify NOUN HEAD, then translate into Indonesian!


Some beautiful ladies beberapa gadis cantik. = (article+adjective+Noun Head) or (1+2+Noun)
Tourists from Japan Turis-turis dari Jepang. = (Noun+prep phrase) or (Noun + 6)
  1. Many challenging problems
  2. A letter from my father
  3. The expected result
  4. Things made in Japan
  5. A written test
  6. Freedom to speak
  7. A chemical process
  8. A fried chicken
  9. The world food resources
  10. The other living creatures on the earth
  11. Wild plants growing in the forest
  12. Soft skin powder
  13. The scientific solutions to the problems.
  14. Some problems discussed before
  15. A woman to take care of the baby
  16. People working in the factory
  17. The smell of the drinks
  18. Nothing to eat
  19. The will to develop
  20. A psychological approach to the problem
  21. Fertile land forming the main food supplier
  22. His new ideas stated in the conference
  23. The chapters to be taught
  24. The government's attempts to improve the socio-economic condition of the people
  25. More serious attention to the prevention of this irresponsible practice
  26. Some crucial and complicated world problems existing in the 20th century.
  27. The books which we bought last night
  28. Some differences that we know
  29. Experts who can assist us in the development of modern technology.
  30. The lady whom we met last night
  31. The man whose wife is working here
  32. The process how cells multiply themselves
  33. The place where I was born
  34. The reason why the government always changes its policy

B. Make those Noun Phrases in part A into a complete sentences

Practice 2: Noun Phrase

A. Arrange each of the word-groups in parentheses below in the CORRECT ORDER to form the APPROPRIATE SUBJECT of the sentence containing Noun Phrase (Susun-lah setiap kelompok kata yang dikurung di bawah ini dengan URUTAN yang BENAR untuk membentuk SUBYEK yang COCOK bagi kalimat yang berisi Noun Phrase):

  1. (the - chapter - book - of - ten) consists of fifteen pages.
  2. (the - Eisenhower - president - USA - of) was an army general.
  3. (the - seventeenth - August) is a very important day for us.
  4. (room - and - ten - eleven - room) are on the first floor.
  5. (the - Louis - king - fourteenth) was a strong man.
  6. 6 (Sumatra - in - East - Toba - Lake) has beautiful scenery.
  7. (the - Presley - singer - famous - Elvis) died there too.
  8. (the - Everest - peak - Mount - highest - world - the - in) lies north of India.
  9. (major - sergeant) is a rank above sergeant.
  10. (general - the - secretary) was an Asian then.
  11. (strait - Java - and - the - Sumatra - between) is Sunda Strait.
  12. (island - the - of - Kalimantan - east) is Sulawesi.
  13. (fourth - of - year - the - the - month) is April.
  14. (step - take - first - the - to) is just this.
  15. (lying - France - country - of - north - the) is Belgium.
  16. (islands - Asia - Australia - the - between - lying - and) are the Indonesian
  17. (spoken - the - in - language - Germany) is German.
  18. (people - in - living - Denmark - the) are Danes.
  19. (native - Holland - of - a) is a Dutchman.
  20. (man - it - do - the - to - first) is your father.
  21. (containing - the - this - book - information) is not for sale.
  22. (article - written - by - the - John) is really interesting.
  23. (living - family - to - next - the - us) seems very rich.
  24. (taught - subject - Professor - the - by - Richards - Jack) is a tough subject.
  25. (talking - you - now - girl - the - to - just) is my sister.

B. Complete each of the following sentences with the PROPER WORD/PHRASE chosen from those presented in parentheses behind each sentence (Lengkapilah setiap kalimat berikut ini dengan KATA/FRASA yang SESUAI yang dipilihkan dari kata-kata yang di kurung di belakang setiap kalimat):

  1. The papers.............................. at the meeting were good, (presenting, presented)
  2. The legs................................ the table are strong enough, (from, of, for)
  3. The man................................ in the yard is Father, (works, working, worked)
  4. The girl................................... long hair is Betty, (on, with, in)
  5. The young lady................................. the red gown is Anne, (in, on, with, wears)
  6. The book ..................................... by Jim is quite interesting, (reading, read)
  7. The next thing.................................... for us is only this, (do, doing, to do)
  8. The men............................................. in this job came here, (interested, interesting)
  9. The book................................... on the table is mine, (lies, lying, lain)
  10. The money...................................... is not ours, (steal, stealing, stolen)
  11. The problem for us........................... is quite simple, (solving, to solve, solve)
  12. The young man............................... the car is John, (drives, driving, driven)
  13. The task ............................... to us yesterday was rather tough, (giving, given)
  14. The table..................................... the hall is too large, (in, at, from, of)
  15. The man ............................... India is very skillful, (of, from, at)
  16. January.................................... is a holiday, (first, the first, one)

Practice 3: Noun Phrase

Translate the following Noun Phrases into English, then try to make complete sentences from those Noun Phrases.

  1. Berita yang mengejutkan
  2. Ayam bakar (ayam yang dibakar)
  3. Burung yang berkicau
  4. Barang-barang yang diimpor dari China
  5. (alat) pemasak nasi
  6. benda-benda terbang yang tidak dikenal (teridentifikasi)
  7. Orang-orang miskin yang tinggal di tepi sungai
  8. Seorang ibu bersama dengan tiga anak perempuannya
  9. Pemandangan yang indah
  10. bantuan untuk para korban gempa bumi di Yogyakarta
  11. produk-produk yang dipamerkan di lantai dasar Malioboro Mall
  12. Pasien yang menderita flu burung
  13. Orang kaya sombong yang tinggal diseberang jalan
  14. Mahasiswa yang tidak mengumpulkan tugas bahasa Inggris
  15. Penjahat yang ditembak polisi di depan kampus UGM
  16. Kebebasan untuk menungkapkan perasaannya

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