Dalam "Present Tense" antara Subject dan Verb harus bersesuaian. Artinya:
- Apabila subject dalam bentuk singular (tunggal), maka kata kerja (verb)/ auxiliary harus berbentuk singular (tunggal).
- Apabila subject dalam bentuk plural (jamak), maka kata kerja (verb)/ auxiliary harus berbentuk plural (jamak).
Subject (plural) + Verb (plural) |
Subject ( Singular) + Verb (singular) |
The boy walks to school. |
The boys walk to school |
My friends are nice. |
One of my friends is nice. |
'Plural Noun' biasanya berakhiran -s/es, singular Noun TANPA -s/es, sebaliknya 'plural Verb' TANPA akhiran -s/es dan 'singular Verb' berakhiran -s/es.
Untuk “to be”, Pada present tense is dipergunakan dengan subject tunggal dan are dengan subject jamak. Pada past tense was dengan subject tunggall dan were untuk subject jamak.
Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan kaitannya dengan Subject-Verb Agreement adalah:
1. Subject with Prepositional Phrase.
Untuk Subjek yang berupa frase (noun phrase) yang diterangkan oleh prepositional phrase, yang menjadi subjek adalah kata benda utamanya, yang biasanya terletak sebelum preposisi;
- One of my friends lives in this remote village
- Three of my friends live in this remote village.
- The trees behind the house are very tall.
- The tree behind the houses is very tall.
- A group of students goes to Kaliurang every Sunday.
- A group of university students goes camping every weekend.
- An increase in the sales of new cars makes the traffic jam worse.
2. Subject with Expressions of Quantity
Aturan khusus terjadi bila Subject adalah "Expressions of Quantity" seperti kata: all, most, some, part, diikuti preposisi of. Dalam kasus ini Subject (all, most, some) bisa singular atau plural, tergantung pada apa yang mengikuti preposisi 'of'.
All (of the book) was interesting. -(singular) |
All (of the books) were interesting. -(plural) |
All (of the information) was interesting. -(uncountable) |
Some of the animals were released from the zoo into the animal preserve. -(plural) |
3. Subject of Certain words
Kata-kata berikut secara grammar selalu singular, sehingga memerlukan Verb singular.
anybody | everybody | nobody |
anyone | everyone | no one |
anything | everything | nothing |
somebody | every(+noun) | either / either of …… |
someone | each (+noun) | neither / neither of ……. |
something | each of…… |
- Everybody needs money.
- Nobody comes here.
- Each of the students is required to sign the forms.
- Everybody is impressed with the view of Danau Toba.
- Because of the low number of orders, nothing has to be done now.
- There are two girls approaching Setiawan. Either of them wears blue jeans.
4. | Subjek yang menyatakan hitungan jarak, volume, berat, uang, prosentase, dan waktu selalu dianggap tungal, oleh karenanya predikatnya-pun tunggal. |
- 250 kilometers is the distance for the race.
- 4.5435 liters is equal to 1,201 gallons.
- 60 kilograms was her weight when she was young.
- Seventy five percent of Indonesian populations lives in Java.
- $ 10 (ten dollars) has the same value as Rp. 100,000
- 12 months has 365 days
5. | Subyek yang terbentuk dari gerund (verb-ing) atau 'to-infinitive' harus dianggap tunggal. |
- Swimming makes us healthy.
- Producing fine paintings requires skill and creativity.
- To err is human.
6. | Subyek dengan kata ‘number’ bisa dianggap singular dan bisa juga plural. |
- A number of .......... harus diikuti Verb bentuk jamak
- The number of ........... harus diikuti Verb bentuk tunggal
- The number of illiterate people in our country decreases drastically.
- A number of illiterate people in our country decrease drastically
7. | Untuk kata ‘either’ berpasangan dengan ‘or’ atau ‘neither’ berpasangan dengan ‘nor’, verb-nya tergantung pada kata setelah ‘or’ atau ‘nor’. |
- Neither Agus nor Rudy is going to class today.
- Either Yuni or Nunik is going to the beach today.
- Neither Rudy nor his friends are going to class today.
- Either Rudy or his cassmates are going to beach today.
- Rudy or Rita is going to class today.
- Rudy or his friends are going to class today.
8. | Subject dari kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung ( uncountable noun ) harus dianggap singular. |
Examples :
- Water flows to the lower part of the land.
- The news of Yunita’s marriage is surprising many boys.
9. Nama – nama cabang ilmu harus dianggap singular
Examples :
- Mathematics needs to be taught in Kindergarten.
- Economics is one of the subjects that I take this semester.
10. | Keterangan tambahan untuk Kata Benda pada Subject, seperti prepositional phrase, appositives, present participle phrase, past participle phrase, dan adjective clause tidak mempengaruhi singular/plural pada Verb-nya. Yang mempengaruhi Verb-nya adalah Kata Benda utamanya (NOUN HEAD). |
- Yuliana, together with her friends, is watching the film.
- Fitri, accompanied by her parents, is complaining her English score of the final test.
- The woman (who lives together with her four daugthers) is very poor.
- Sally, the best student in the class, lives in a dormitory.
- The packages mailed at the post office yesterday are for my brother in Jakarta.
- The man talking to his friend has three wives.
- Tommy, the youngest son of former President Soeharto, was sent to Nusakambangan.
Catatan: Appositives adalah Noun atau Noun Phrase yang berfungsi untuk menerangkan kata benda lain: antara yang menerangkan dan yang diterangkan mengacu ke hal yang sama. Lihat contoh 1 dan 7
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