Sunday, June 7, 2009

Practice : Sentence without 'to be'

Translate the following sentences into good English.

  1. Kamu bisa menemuiku besok pagi.
  2. Mereka sudah menyelesaikan semua tugas bahasa Inggris I.
  3. Saya membeli kamus ini di Shopping Center.
  4. Semua sungai mengalir ke laut.
  5. Saya lulus SMA tahun 2006.
  6. Dia berasal dari Surabaya.
  7. Kita sudah makan siang.
  8. Saya biasanya bangun tidur sekitar jam 5 pagi.
  9. Musim hujan biasanya mulai di bulan Oktober.
  10. Orangtuaku akan berkunjung ke rumah kos-ku minggu depan.

1 comment:

  1. aku jawab langsung disini ya:
    1. You can go to meet me tommorow morning.
    2. They have finished all english language I tasks.
    3. I buy this dictionary at shopping center.
    4. All rivers flow out to the sea.
    5. I graduated from high school at 2006.
    6. He/she come from Surabaya.
    7. We have taken a luch.
    8. I usually wake up on 5 am.
    9. Winter usually start in October.
    10. My parrents are going to visit my kost-room next week.

    mohon diperiksa ya....
